Our esteemed panel of ethics experts (Donna Davidson, Eric Opiela and Andy Cates) will provide an overview of the important campaign and election laws and processes you need to know to stay out of trouble. The discussion will include what you need to know for the November 7 elections and beyond, with an emphasis on the laws governing the special election, constitutional amendments, and other state and local ballot measures, as well as legislation that passed during the 88th Session that impacts the election process. General campaign finance (Title 15) laws will also be reviewed. This panel will end with a Q&A session, so bring your questions! Cates will moderate the discussion.
About Donna Davidson: Donna has more than thirty years of legal experience, building her expertise in ethics, campaign finance, election law, public information, and open government issues. She has statewide officeholders, state senate and representatives, lobbyists, associations, political parties, and local candidates as clients. She is board certified in the Legislative and Campaign Law Section. With Eric Opiela, she co-edited four editions of the Texas Election Laws. More.
About Eric Opiela: Eric has over 20 years of legal experience, both in legislative and election law. He began his career in the Texas House in 2003 as a committee clerk and counsel, left for DC for a federal judicial clerkship, then returned and opened his own firm for the 2007 legislative session. In 2008-2009, he served as Executive Director of a major political party, served as campaign counsel in 2010 for the House Speaker’s reelection campaign, and represented a Texas Congressional delegation in the 2011 and 2013 redistricting cycles. He has tried numerous election contests over the last two decades, represented clients before appellate courts, federal courts, and the Texas Supreme Court in ballot challenges, and has advised federal, state and local officials in election and ethics law. He is a previous board member of the State Bar of Texas Legislative and Campaign Law Section, a life fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, and is Board Certified in Legislative and Campaign Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. With Donna Davidson, he coedits Texas Election Laws, 4th Edition.
About Andy Cates:
Andy is a Founding Member and Board Member of the State Bar of Texas Legislative & Campaign Law Section, where he spearheaded the petition to create the nation’s first legal specialization in Legislative and Campaign Law. He is also one of the few attorneys in the country with board certification in that area. Andy is the author of the only legal guide to Texas ethics laws -
Texas Ethics Laws Annotated - now in the 8th edition.
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